Dentures are removable prosthesis that can be used to replace some or all missing teeth.
They can me made of acrylic, cobalt chrome or in a more flexible metal free material for added comfort and improved aesthetics.
Dentures need to feel and function as your own teeth and we will take time to ensure they sit snugly upon the gums without the discomfort of rubbing.
Sometimes you may find it difficult to keep your denture in place due to changes in the jaw structure after tooth loss. In such cases, dental implants can be used to stabilise your existing denture.
Our dental laboratory delivers an unrivalled service to ensure a comfortable fit with any appliance we offer. Cutting-edge dental technology also ensures a quick turnaround time so that any appliance can be fitted as soon as possible.
Allow us to restore your confidence in your smile.
Please click here or call 020 8016 4121 to book your appointment.